Just one year back, I saw homeless man sitting on the side of the road with little wound on his left leg, no one to care about him nor government hospital admitted him for the treatment. Little by little the wound became big with lots of maggots eating up his whole leg. In the later stage Snehan NGO intervened to help him but faced worst rejection from the government hospital, NGO’s, police department, and finally he died unwillingly on the road like animal.
This incident motivated Anumuthu (founder of Snehan) to go for nursing study. This little skill will be big support to Snehan NGO and its work. At present Snehan is supporting an old neglected woman on the street, who suffers with big wound in her right leg. A knife fell on her leg, cutting her skin with deep cut. Snehan is able to help her with little medication and daily dressing. Now her condition is stable, she is able to keep small steps. This wound would take at lest three months to cure. Snehan would stand and support her during her recovery.
Like this grandma many suffer on the street for such, Snehan would stand with this kind of precious people and treat them to live to the fullest.