We live because of farmers

What is easily available on our plate to eat, there is someone really working hard to produce it. Wherein every other product is being sold on MRP (Maximum Retail Price), farmers are still struggling to sell their products on MSP (Minimum Support Price), which is at-least guaranteed through APMCs. The

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Natural Farming Training for kanthari’s

As agriculture dimming fast in India. Children are motivated to become a doctors, engineers, IT professionals, teachers, government jobholder’s so on. However, there few precious people, who understand the importance of farming, are trying their best to impart the importance to the self-motivated people like us, in agriculture. Kanthari and Sristi Foundation organizing 15 days

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We work with the homeless, disabled, old and sick people who are living on the streets without employment and basic needs.






Pakkamudaiyanpet, Lawspet, Pondicherry – 605008, India