Women’s day is celebrated every year on 8th of March. The world keeps a day to thank all the women and appreciate them for their dedicate roll in men kind. Life wouldn’t be possible without a woman in all of our families. Before any person getup from the bed, the mother gets up, wakes up her husband with cup of tea, cooks for her children and alongside gives them bath, feeds them and packs them lunch for whole family, send the children to school and husband to office. Her contribution doesn’t end her; she does family laundry work, and runs with or without eating to her office or labour work. Her contribution keeps on till she reaches her final destiny. That is women, the mother, wife, daughter and sister.

At Snehan, the women’s day started with cake cutting by Paloma from spain, Mr.Karthikeyan the founder of Sristi Village and Mrs.Sarawasthy madam. It was an honor to have them with us to cut the cake and start the day.

To keep the day special we honored our women staff by surprise.  We had taken them for a day of outing. We went to Providence Mall in Pondicherry, for some of our staff, this is first time they entered the mall. Our women were welcome by sales girls. All of our women got a chance to get makeup by professional beautician; our women were glittered with colorful lipsticks and nail polish.

Fun in getting into escalator, almost for all of them this was a first time experience in climbing up by escalator, some were excited, some frightened but all of them enjoyed going in escalator.

Our two grandpas, really enjoyed this day, they were treated equal, got chance to be in the air-conditioned mall and watched very beautiful movie called Vaathi Tamil Move in digital cinema theatre. The homeless people are not allowed in such a social gathering. But because they are rehabilitated and look decent, clean and because they were with us, they got change to be equal and enjoy all the comfort. For all of them it’s a unique experience. At last we all went to KFC food court to eat together. It was a fun filled day for all of them in this special event.

Day started with cake cutting by Paloma from Spian, Mr. Karthikeyan from Sristi Village and Mrs. Sarawasthy madam.


Our beautiful staff with big smile


Rehabilitated homeless grandpas with beautiful smiles


Looking in amazement
First time watching movie at PVR cinema’s


Our female folk enjoying KFC chicken
Snehan staffs took one full row to watch a Vaathi Tamil Movie