On September 1st, 2024, the kanthari 2024 participants, along with Sabriye Tenberken and the catalyst, visited the Snehan project in Pondicherry. A total of 27 passionate social change-makers from 11 countries came to see our project, learn from it, and provide their feedback. The visit from Sabriye and Tanja to Snehan Home was a blessing and an incredible experience.
We gave them a tour of our income-generating activities, such as the tailoring unit, where marginalized women are trained to make eco-friendly cotton products. These products are then sold on the streets of Pondicherry by rehabilitated grandpas.
I had almost two hours of interaction with the kanthari participants, during which I shared about Snehan Home, our mission to rescue old, abandoned, sick, and dying grandpas from the streets, and how we provide them with medical and residential care and support. They were deeply moved by our humble activities and had many questions to ask and learn from. It was a mutual learning experience for all of us.