Snehan Home is delighted to find the family of Mr. Kaliyaperumal 75+ old man. He was rescued on the streets of Pondicherry in poor dying condition. At the time we picked up from the streets, he was very sick, blind could not see anything and was 100% deaf, we could not communicate with him and could not understand him for many days. Meanwhile with proper medical support, nutritious food at Snehan Home his health regained, he became more stable. We tried our best to know about him and his family; it took many days for us to get his home address. Every time we speak loud and make a sign in question about his family, he would say different things at different times. But as the days went by bit by bit we understood about his family and his hometown. Long into shot, we tried tracing the place he was repeating the maximum number of times.  Finally found his hometown in Villupuram Dt.

We took him by our ambulance, as we entered his hometown; the villagers came running towards us, asking many questions. His family came to receive him. The whole lane of his colony and family was happy to receive him, for he had his own land and houses. As a team we were happy to save the life of Kaliyaperumal and reunite him back home with his family members.